Conference about Foundry in Poland


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On November 26, 2015 was held a major conference about Foundry in Poland, in the city of Krakow.

OMSG - Officine Meccaniche San Giorgio SpA took part as a speaker, as an expert in the field of surface treatment with shot blasting machines, wheel type, through our local dealer.

The Conference was attended by the most important foundries in Poland, who sent for the occasion: technicians, responsible purchasing departments, or even business owners themselves. The Conference has been a great success, and a lot of interest concerning mainly the handling and automation combined with shot-blasting plants.

Reduce the times and costs of production is the target that the modern enterprises want to reach, and OMSG has conformed, over the years, to these needs. Our shot blasting machines are increasingly efficient, and designed with a view to improving performance and decrease maintenance


Ridurre i tempi ed i costi di produzione è l’obiettivo che vogliono raggiungere le imprese moderne, e OMSG si è adeguata, nel corso degli anni, a queste esigenze. I nostri impianti di granigliatura sono sempre più performanti, e progettati con un’ottica di miglioramento di prestazioni e diminuzione di manutenzione.